How Much Would You Pay For A Secret Mini Found In A Dead Factory?

It was saved by a former factory worker who got permission to remove it in 2012 shortly before the tunnels were due to be filled in – making it the last ever Mini to leave Longbridge. After not getting any sunlight for three decades, this 1275 GT needs lots of love in order to return to its former glory.

via How Much Would You Pay For A Secret Mini Found In A Dead Factory?.

Doesn't look like much in this photo.

Doesn’t look like much in this photo.


Still doesn't look like much - top has been banged out a bit.

Still doesn’t look like much – top has been banged out a bit.


But the good thing's a low mileage car!!!!!

But the good thing is….it’s a low mileage car!!!!!

Would you buy it?


Thanks for reading.


mini longbridge factory