Nearly live car show – What happend?

Well seems my attempt to bring a “nearly” live car show to the Average Guy’s Car Restoration, Mods and Racing, was “nearly” successful. Another way to state the success is “FAIL”.

It was a test to see if I could coordinate  “on the spot”  posts from any location with my pile of technology I carry. This test  involved only my Android phone, its camera, an app I programmed  and 3G connection.

The  posts got to the blog just fine (almost) but my app only put them in to draft mode and did not publish them.  You’ll notice my Android phone’s camera seemed to be in a strange mode and everything came out  monochromatic.  Lastly my Android’s battery failed to hold up and it ended.

So my plans for doing “nearly” live from the Goodguys Car Show in Scottsdale, AZ next weekend is in jeopardy unless I work out the bugs.

Stay Tuned.

Thanks for Reading



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